A double chin can be hard to reduce despite a healthy diet and exercise. A variety of non-surgical and surgical options can relieve the issue.

What is a Double Chin?

This is a common condition where fat accumulates beneath the chin. It is also known as submental fat and can be hard to reduce despite diet and exercise.

What causes it?

Weight gain can cause a double chin. Age is also a factor. When the layer of fat around the neck begins to sag, it can result in a double chin. Likewise, as the neck’s platysma muscles lose strength, sagging, or a double chin, results.

Can skincare help?

Topical cosmetics can maintain the quality of the skin and may prevent further skin sagging. However, they can’t remove excess fat or thickness.

What non-surgical procedures can help?

Injectable solutions can dissolve localised fat in the under-chin area. The fat is then metabolised by the body’s natural processes.

Ultrasound, laser and radio frequency heat therapies can disrupt fat cells, triggering collagen growth and improving skin firmness.

Cryoliposis has also shown to be effective. It relies on ‘freezing’ localised fat cells by delivering controlled cooling to the area. The fat cells are destroyed and eliminated by the body.

There is typically no downtime associated with non-surgical treatments.

What surgical options can help?

Liposculpture is minimally invasive surgery that can be performed under local anaesthetic. It can reduce a double chin, refine a thick neck and define the jawline. A neck lift can be performed in conjunction with lipo-sculpture to lift and tighten skin. Down time is one week to ten days, depending on bruising and swelling.

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