Cosmetic procedures are no longer a woman’s world. Cosmetic enhancement has become a popular talking point and is helping thousands of men overcome issues with their appearance.
Interest in appearance medicine and cosmetic surgery is growing among men from across the spectrum of occupations, social and cultural backgrounds. And in an age where looks have a mounting importance in the social sphere, it’s hardly surprising that men are paying more attention to their appearance.
Where cosmetic procedures used to be a female-dominated domain, more and more guys are growing tired of accepting the looks lot they were given – no longer are they happy to settle for the pesky love handles and those telltale crow’s feet around their eyes. They are increasingly turning to cosmetic procedures to fix their physical flaws.
Liposuction, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and gynaecomastia (male breast reduction) are amongst the most popular surgical procedures for men, while non-surgical treatments such as cosmetic injectables, laser and IPL, and fat reduction and muscle building treatments are on an exponential rise.
The key to male cosmetic enhancement is to keep the results as natural-looking as possible, with no obvious “operated on” look. For this reason, most experienced surgeons prefer to leave expression lines and some of the “rugged” features of the male face alone and instead focus on the features out of balance, such as a crooked nose, receding chin, sagging neck, jowls or eyelids, or deep nasolabial grooves (lines running from the side of the nose to the mouth). In the hands of a skilled practitioner, cosmetic enhancement can create both a more youthful and more masculine and attractive appearance.
Top 5 surgical procedures for men*
1. Liposuction
Liposuction can remove fat from the body or face (double chin or jowls). Fatty deposits are suctioned out through small nicks or incisions. Liposuction can be performed as day surgery and patients can usually return to work after about one week, although bruising may last for several weeks and swelling for up to around two months. In addition to removing larger volumes of fat, today’s techniques can also work in the superficial layers of fat underneath the skin to sculpt or ‘etch’ the appearance of the underlying muscle structure. This procedure is commonly performed on the abdomen but can also be performed on the arms, chest and outer abdominal areas.

2. Male breast reduction (gynaecomastia surgery)
Gynaecomastia (male breasts) is a common condition that is usually a result of an imbalance of hormones in the body. The condition may occur in one or both breasts. The technique used to treat gynaecomastia depends on the size and composition of the male breast. Excess fatty tissue is usually removed with liposuction. If the problem is breast glandular tissue, it is treated by excision. Scarring is relatively minimal, however, scars tend to be more prominent if a large amount of tissue is removed.
3. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)
Blepharoplasty improves the appearance of the upper and/or lower eyelids to give a more refreshed appearance to the surrounding area of the eyes. With upper eyelid surgery, excess skin, muscle and fat are removed to reduce hooding in the upper eyelid. Lower eyelid surgery corrects under-eye bags, sagging and puffiness. Results of eyelid surgery become apparent gradually, with swelling and bruising subsiding in around two weeks to reveal a smoother, better defined eye region and a more alert and rejuvenated appearance.
4. Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty surgery can achieve a flatter stomach and can also be used to sculpt a ‘six pack’. It’s commonly performed in conjunction with liposuction. An incision is made across the lower abdomen, then excess skin and fat is removed and the stomach muscles are tightened. The navel is repositioned when the skin is re-stretched over the stomach and a large scar is created across the lower abdomen. Most patients need around three weeks off work.
5. Nose reshaping surgery (rhinoplasty)
Rhinoplasty can correct both aesthetic and functional (breathing) abnormalities of the nose. It is used to change the size of the nose, remove a hump, narrow the nostrils, change the angle or refine the tip. The procedure is performed by either the open-structure technique, when the incision is at the base of the nose, or closed, when the incisions are inside the nose. Swelling and bruising usually subsides within seven to 10 days but final results may not be evident until after a year. The results are permanent.
Top 5 non-surgical procedures for men*

1. Wrinkle treatments
Wrinkle relaxant (botulinum toxin) injections are used to treat dynamic wrinkles – those formed by repeated muscle contraction from facial expressions such as frown lines, crow’s feet and marionette lines. These injections are also effective for chin creases and horizontal wrinkles in the lower part of the front of the neck. Patients can return to work straight after treatment and results are seen after around four to 10 days. Repeat treatment is necessary after about three to five months in most cases.
2. Fillers
Fillers are used to treat static wrinkles, which are caused by ageing and repetitive muscle movement, and loss of facial volume. The range of dermal fillers available are designed for use near the surface of the skin to treat wrinkles as well as at deeper levels to restore volume. Their duration depends on the mobility of the treated area and the formulation. Fat transfer is a longer lasting option where the patient’s own fat is harvested, often during a concurrent surgical procedure.
3. Hair removal (laser or IPL)
Hair reduction laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments treat hair growth on areas such as the chest and back. A laser or light beam targets the follicle of the hair to destroy it at the base. Around six treatments are needed to remove or thin hair, depending on the area to be treated and the individual patient. The treatment involves mild discomfort and results are long term.
4. Non-surgical body contouring
There are a number of non-invasive body contouring systems designed to smooth contours and eliminate fat deposits with minimal downtime. These devices harness some form of energy – be it radiofrequency, ultrasound, laser or cryolipolysis – to penetrate the skin and break down underlying fat. The fat cells are then metabolised through the body’s usual processes over several weeks. Most devices offer a combination of fat reduction and skin tightening. There is normally no downtime, minimal patient discomfort, and complications are rare.
If weight is maintained, results should be long lasting because, just as with liposuction, when fat cells are permanently destroyed they will not return. Generally, a series of treatments per area achieves noticeable, measurable results, although some patients note a circumferential reduction in the area after the first treatment.
In addition to fat reduction alone, there’s a new addition to the non-surgical body contouring sector taking the market by storm: muscle building devices.
Most muscle toning devices use electromagnetic stimulation to strengthen and tighten the abdominal, gluteal and thigh muscles through methods of contraction and stimulation (called supramaximal contractions) – delivering tens of thousands of muscle contractions in a 30-minute session (obviously not physically possible during normal exercise).
During muscle toning treatment, applicators are placed on areas of the body and generate an electromagnetic field that stimulates the motor neuron cells of the body’s muscles, causing the muscle to contract as it would during movement or exercise. There is no downtime.
Some muscle building devices have shown a 16% average increase in muscle mass. A series of treatments is usually recommended with results seen 3-4 weeks after completion of the treatment plan.
5. Photorejuvenation (IPL)
In addition to hair reduction, IPL can be used to smooth fine lines, even skin tone, treat broken capillaries and improve sun damage. It uses multiple wavelengths of light to target specific chromophores (light-receptive cells) in the skin. Several treatments are required for optimal results. There is typically minimal downtime.
*According to 2019 statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (The Aesthetic Society).