Rhinoplasty explained

Rhinoplasty explained

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular and intricate procedures that can completely reshape your face.

The nose is the central feature of your face and plays a key role in facial symmetry. Any abnormalities will affect the overall aesthetics of the face, and changing the size or shape of the nose to bring it into harmony and balance with the rest of the face can be a life- altering event – both physically and psychologically.

Rhinoplasty, aka nose surgery or a nose job, is consistently one of the most popular facial cosmetic surgery procedures in Australia (eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, usually takes the top spot).

Rhinoplasty’s enduring popularity is world-wide. A June 2020 report by money.co.uk revealed queries relating to “rhinoplasty” were the most popular cosmetic search item in Europe in the past 12 months.

What can rhinoplasty do?

Rhinoplasty improves the appearance and proportion of the nose, enhancing overall facial aesthetics and harmony. Surgery of the nose may also be performed to remove deviations caused by a birth defect or injury, or correct impaired breathing caused by structural abnormalities in the nose.

Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the size of the nose, change the shape of the tip or bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils or change the angle between the nose and upper lip.

Rhinoplasty reshapes the nose to balance it with other facial features. There are two main techniques – open (incision made at the base of the nose) and closed (incisions inside nose) – that can change the size of the nose, remove a hump, narrow the nostrils, change the angle and/or refine the tip.

Non-surgical options

Non-surgical rhinoplasty uses fillers to correct minor external nasal deformities, depressions, asymmetries, collapsed nasal bridges and saddle noses. It can also be an effective technique for making corrections post-surgery where the results of earlier rhinoplasty have been unsatisfactory or need a slight tweak.

A relatively quick procedure, non-surgical rhinoplasty requires no anaesthesia and involves no downtime. Most fillers will leave a residual redness and slight tenderness for up to a few days and patients can expect slight swelling and bruising. The results are immediately evident and can last up to a year.

Rhinoplasty results

Results of rhinoplasty are not immediate. The nose becomes more refined with better definition over time, and may take up to a year for final results. Most patients can expect to return to work within a week or two and to more strenuous activity after a few weeks.

Benefits of this procedure can range from improved breathing to enhanced appearance and self-confidence. Rhinoplasty can offer subtle or dramatic changes to a person’s appearance. Often even a small change in the shape and position of the nose can create a significant difference to overall facial aesthetics.

Revision rhinoplasty is necessary in around five to 10 percent of cases. While some may require only minor adjustments, others may need major modification, and may be a result of too much or too little bone, cartilage or tissue having been removed, resulting in a nose that is too large or too small for the face.

Although techniques for any rhinoplasty surgery may differ, as well as the patient’s desired results and the surgeon’s personal preference, there is no doubt that a well-performed rhinoplasty has the potential to dramatically improve the appearance of both the nose and the entire face. [A]A

Types of rhinoplasty

Reduction rhinoplasty

The most common procedure to address size, proportion and balance of the nose in relation to the rest of the face.

Post-traumatic rhinoplasty

Performed as a result of a nasal injury where the supporting bone or cartilage have been damaged.

Ethnic rhinoplasty

Takes into consideration the particular characteristics of your ethnicity.

Augmentation rhinoplasty

Increases the dimensions of the nose by adding structural material or grafts for aesthetic and functional indications.

Have they had rhinoplasty?

What happens during nose surgery?

Generally, incisions are made inside the nasal cavity and often at the base of the nose. The skin of the nose is then separated from its framework of cartilage and bone.

To reduce nose size, some cartilage in the middle of the nose (septum) is removed until the desired size is achieved. To build up the nose, cartilage and bone may be added to increase its size. Changing the tip or bridge and the nose angle is achieved by reshaping the cartilage and soft tissue. Nostril span is narrowed via small incisions at the base of each nostril.

The incisions are sutured closed and a splint or cast is applied to help the nose maintain its shape and expedite healing. The procedure normally takes around two to three hours.

Rhinoplasty is usually performed under general anaesthesia.

Nasal packing, in which gauze or cotton packs are applied to the nasal chambers, is used to support the new structure and prevent bleeding. The packing is typically removed within 24-48 hours after surgery.

Most patients experience some mild to moderate discomfort after rhinoplasty for a
few days. Any pain can generally be controlled through medication prescribed by the surgeon. About 80 percent of the swelling is usually gone within a week or two. Swelling starts to resolve more slowly after that. The majority of swelling disappears after around two months and the rest slowly disappears over the next year, when final results become apparent.

Different types of rhinoplasty procedures

Open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty are generally the two types of rhinoplasty procedures available.

Closed rhinoplasty involves incisions on the inside of the nose. Although this results in no visible scarring, the procedure offers less visibility of the inside of the nose and is typically not possible for more complex cases.

During open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made on the columella (the strip between the nostrils). This results in a fine, well-concealed scar that shoud fade over time. The surgeon will help the patient decide which is most suitable.

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