Yellow, stained and discoloured teeth bothering you? There are many ways to whiten and brighten your smile.

What causes yellow teeth?

There are many causes, such as eating dark coloured foods that can stain the teeth. Other culprits include drinks like coffee, tea, dark soft drinks and wine, which dull and stain the teeth. Lifestyle factors like smoking will also cause yellowing. The condition may also be hereditary or caused by injury. Plaque build-up can also cause yellow teeth, or in some cases if the hard enamel wears away, teeth can be left looking discoloured.

How can I prevent yellow teeth?

Obviously, watching what you eat and drink is paramount, as is not smoking. Regular dental visits and professional cleaning can also help keep the surface of the tooth brighter and cleaner looking.

How can I whiten yellow teeth?

There are many at-home and in-clinic formulas and procedures that can reduce yellowing of the teeth and brighten your smile.

At Home Treatments

There are several over-the-counter whitening toothpastes and gels that are available from supermarkets and pharmacies. You can also purchase at-home whitening kits. These are most effective on mild yellowing and for preventing further staining. They are not as effective at reversing pronounced discolouration. You should always consult our dentist before using any at-home whitening kit. Have your teeth assessed for sensitivity and check that the procedure is safe.

In Clinic Whitening

In clinic laser whitening by a qualified, professional dentist produces best results for brightening yellow teeth. These procedures are usually well tolerated. However, patients with high sensitivity may need to rely on ‘happy gas’ or another form of calmative. These options should be discussed at length with your dentist.

Professional Veneers

Your dentist might advise fitting veneers. This would be in cases where the condition is hereditary or caused by injury. Veneers are basically a new front surface for a tooth, custom made from porcelain, or a composite material. Patients should always see a reputable cosmetic dentist before having this procedure.

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