The Body Lift is a surgical procedure that can combine multiple procedures at once to lift, shape and contour the body. Common areas include the back, thighs, abdomen and arms.

What is a body lift?

The body lift is a surgical procedure that typically combines multiple surgical procedures at once, which can include surgery on both the upper and lower parts of the body. The aim is to correct ageing and shape and contour the body. It is also often referred to as The Mummy Makeover.

Who is a good candidate?

A body lift is a great option for anyone with lax skin on the tummy, sagging breasts, loose thighs and arms and stretch marks. It can also address Caesarean scars and uneven fat distribution.

A body Lift is often performed on people who have lost a lot of weight and have excessive amounts of sagging skin. The procedure can improve the appearance of sagging breasts and tummy post-pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is ideal for treating areas like the breasts, arms, tummy and thighs.

What are the benefits of a body lift?

A body lift is beneficial for people who wish to address several areas of the body that concern them but can’t afford the time off work or away from their lifestyle to have several separate procedures.

It’s also beneficial as there is only one anaesthetic, which means costs can be lower than having several separate procedures. The recovery is longer than normal procedures, with patients requiring up to one week in hospital and one month off work.

Are there any negatives?

The long recovery can be restrictive to lifestyle and painful for some patients. Patients also must avoid strenuous activity for at least three months after surgery.

What results can I expect?

Successful outcomes include reduction in skin laxity and sagging as well as a more streamlined silhouette.

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