Injecting botulinum toxin is one of the best known cosmetic procedures in the world.

The old school of thought that wrinkles are character lines that portray someone’s emotions, life experiences and credibility is fast diminishing. People are living longer, smooth skin is keenly sought after and procedures to minimise wrinkles are now widely available.

By definition, a wrinkle is a line, furrow, crease or depression in the skin’s surface. Wrinkles form due to a combination of factors – sun damage, habitual facial expressions (frowning, smiling, squinting), smoking, genetic disposition, lifestyle and as part of the natural ageing process. They fall into two main categories: dynamic and static wrinkles.

Dynamic wrinkles are formed by the repeated muscle contraction involved in facial movement. Static wrinkles are formed during the normal ageing process. Botulinum toxin is used to reduce dynamic wrinkles such as crow’s feet, frown lines and the lines across the forehead. Here are some facts about this popular wrinkle treatment.

Q. What is botulinum toxin?

A. Botulinum toxin is a purified protein manufactured in pharmaceutical laboratories. It acts by reducing nerve stimulation in muscles and therefore induces relaxation. It is administered by a few tiny injections under the skin. The entire procedure only takes a few minutes, depending upon the number of areas being treated.

Q. How does it work?

A. Botulinum toxin works by relaxing wrinkle-causing muscles, allowing the wrinkles to relax away and leaving facial expression free of lines or at least significantly reduced.

Q. How long does it last?

A. Botulinum toxin will continue to prevent and reduce facial lines and wrinkles for three to four months but sometimes up to six months or longer. Following treatment, the results are not immediately apparent. It usually takes two days to begin to relax away lines, reaching its full potential after about a week.

Q. Is it safe?

A. Cosmetic treatment with botulinum toxin is safe in that there are no major or harmful side effects. Botulinum toxin is used to treat children as young as three years of age at much higher doses in the treatment of cerebral palsy to help them walk. Botulinum toxin has been used medically for the past 25 years to treat a variety of medical conditions such as nervous ticks.

Q. What are the side effects?

A. Common side effects are restricted to minor and temporary redness, and swelling or bruising at the injection site. Very rarely laziness of an eyelid or mild double vision is reported. These effects are temporary, lasting one to two weeks, and will occur if the injections are inappropriately placed. Recovery is spontaneous.

Q. Which lines can I treat with botulinum toxin?

A. Botulinum toxin is commonly used to treat the crow’s feet around the eyes, the central frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines) and the worry lines across the forehead. Botulinum toxin represents the treatment of choice for these lines. The marionette lines, from the corner of the mouth to the chin, are also effectively treated with botulinum toxin.

Q. Can botulinum toxin be used to stop headaches and excess sweating?

A. Yes. In many patients botulinum toxin has proven very effective in preventing both migraine and stress headaches. It also reduces armpit sweating by well over 90 percent for an average of eight to 10 months.

Q. What should I do to prepare for a botulinum toxin injection?

A. Avoid the use of aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs or blood-thinning agents, unless they are medically required, for two weeks prior to treatment to minimise bruising. For women, avoid treatment either before or after menstruation as the skin is more sensitive and tender at this time.

Q. Can I have botulinum toxin when I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

A. As with all non-essential medications, it should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Q. Is it true that botulinum toxin can be used to prevent the occurrence of new lines and wrinkles?

A. Yes. Because botulinum toxin relaxes the wrinkle-causing muscles, it prevents the recurrent skin creasing produced by these muscles and therefore prevents the occurrence of new lines and wrinkles. It is a good preventative treatment.

Q. I have heard that botulinum toxin will produce a blank, expressionless face. Is this true?

A. No. Three important terms regarding the use of botulinum toxin are character, natural and youthful. Character makes the face interesting, gives insight into the personality and is often very attractive. A natural appearance is achieved by preserving normal expression while relaxing unwanted lines. A youthful appearance is created by softening features that reflect the ageing process, such as crow’s feet, forehead furrows and sagging brows. With careful placement, a talented and experienced botulinum toxin injector can achieve a youthful appearance on a patient while maintaining their natural expression with character.

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